atic use of online dating, resulting in 43 studies. Findings suggest that personality correlates such as neuroticism, sociability, sensation-seeking, and sexual permissiveness are related to greater use of online dating services. Sex-search and self-esteem enhance-ment are predictors of problematic use of online dating. Previous research coincides withCited by: 1 Although such a large number of people are dating online, our study has found that if you decide to take part, you are most likely to be in the company of users that meet the following criteria. People that date online are most likely to be: years old on average; Working full-time (63%) intimacy. From the launch of the first online dating site in , to the invention of modern social networking dating sites in , online dating has grown into a billion-dollar industry with countless users (PBS, ). In fact, today nearly 2 billion people worldwide use some form of Cited by: 2
Online Dating: The Virtues and Downsides | Pew Research Center
Despite the constant growth in the use of online dating sites and mobile dating applications, research examining potential problematic use of online dating has remained scarce. Findings suggest that personality correlates such as neuroticism, sociability, sensation-seeking, and sexual permissiveness are related to greater use of online dating services.
Sex-search and self-esteem enhancement are predictors of problematic use of online dating. Previous research coincides with online dating risks e. fear of deception and objectification tendency due to online dating services sites and apps design. Observations regarding methodological weaknesses and future research implications are included. Back inMatch. com was launched for public use as a popular global online dating service.
Inlocation-based smartphone dating applications first appeared, which allowed users to access online dating anytime and anywhere, making them ubiquitous. Regarding online dating research studies ubiquity of online online dating research studies, Jung et al.
Greater use of online dating may not necessarily imply the existence of problematic use. However, previous literature in the field of internet disorders has found that extended use higher frequency of use is related to higher scores on smartphone addiction Haug et al. Yet, extended use is not sufficient to describe problematic use of online dating. Its aetiology and maintenance may be a reflection of diverse factors of different nature i, online dating research studies.
biological, psychological, and social, online dating research studies. Hence, an interdisciplinary explanation i. biopsychosocial framework is needed. users seeking sex encounters are able to find other users at walking distance, online dating research studies. In fact, based on the interaction of person-affect-cognition-execution I-PACE model Brand et al.
sadness, frustration and anger and dysfunctional affective and cognitive responses in relation to dating apps e.
In the scope of internet disorders, and more specifically addiction to social networking sites SNSsprevious research has reported that availability increases the number of people engaged in the activity, which can lead to excessive use Kuss and Griffiths In terms of mental health problems, previous literature has noted a positive correlation between depressive symptoms and time spent on SNSs Panticthe use of smartphones for different purposes, including SNSs and other media services e, online dating research studies.
videos and chatrooms before going online dating research studies sleep has been found to correlate with depressive symptoms and sleep disturbances in adolescent populations Lemola et al. Considering the similarities of SNSs and online dating sites and applications and similar findings in online dating research studies dating research e.
low self-esteem related to higher use of online dating, higher availability of online dating sites leading to longer useit appears plausible to consider previous research investigating SNSs as a guide for online dating research. In that sense, Pantic concluded that SNS use has created changes in how individuals relate to each other in the present time making social interactions more shallow and decreasing communication with family members Pantic At the same time, online dating may potentially change the dating scene because of the growth in popularity and ubiquity of the service due to smartphone applications.
Previous literature highlighted that time needed to form long-lasting relationships romantic and platonic is mismatched with the time users spent on online dating for that same purpose establishing a long-term relationshipthus favouring casual encounters over other types of dates Yeo and Fung that may potentially lead to longer-lasting relationships and stronger bonding.
Social changes in relation to dating may not necessarily lead to detrimental effects, online dating research studies. However, research is needed to assess what types of changes are produced by the inclusion of online dating in our day-to-day life and how these changes affect individuals in a multidisciplinary perspective.
Contrary to other internet disorders, problematic online dating research is still in its initial stage, online dating research studies, and as of today, online dating has not been particularly studied in terms of its problematic use. Considering the extended use that online dating services have in the present, online dating research studies, and the concerns at the individual level i.
mental health online dating research studies and societal level i. dating scene changesit seems appropriate to review previous literature in this field attending to the need of formulating new knowledge in relation to online dating use and problematic use, online dating research studies. Consequently, the online dating research studies of the present paper is to review the empirical evidence examining the use and problematic use of online dating.
Considering that previous online dating research studies concerning problematic use of online dating is scarce, the structure online dating research studies this present review has been designed to assess and discuss relevant factors related to online dating use that may serve as the basis for further study of problematic use of online dating.
An extensive literature search in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis statement PRISMA Moher et al. The search yielded a total of studies in Web of Science and studies in PsycINFO. A total of studies were identified which produced a final selection of 43 studies after inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied see Fig.
Studies were excluded if they i primarily concerned cyberbullying and its derivatives, ii primarily concerned scams, and iii did not assess online dating as the main variable under investigation. This yielded 43 studies see Table 1only two of which specifically covered potential addiction to online dating. This section has been divided into six subsections which cover: i usage and motivation, ii personality correlates, iii negative correlates, iv impulsive behaviour, v substance use and behavioural addictions, online dating research studies, and vi online dating research studies use of online dating.
A total of eleven studies were found that examined the characteristics of use or motivations of online dating use. Out of the eleven studies, there were ten quantitative studies, online dating research studies, all of which were cross-sectional Corriero and Tong ; Gunter ; Hance et al. One study examined heterosexual respondents only Hwangand another study focused on male homosexual populations only Corriero and Tongand the remaining studies did not differentiate between sexual orientations.
They were asked to complete an online survey that contained a subscale on active intentions from the Dating Anxiety Survey Calvert et al. However, there was no difference regarding income or education. Furthermore, in relation to age, it appeared that adults aged between 30 and 50 years were the most active users.
Asians and Latinos and within the same group i. whites with whites. In order to do this, demographic measures i. age, gender, marital status, educational level and zip code of residence were taken; also willingness to date inter- and intra-racially was registered; however, the authors did not specify how they measured that variable willingness to date inter- and intra-racially.
Generally, dating online intra-racially was favoured over inter-racial dating. However, men were found to be online dating research studies in willingness to date inter-racially in comparison to women.
Nonetheless, considering the specificity of the sample, these results cannot be extrapolated to the general population.
Further studies should consider including variability in terms of sexual orientations and cultural background to see if these findings can be replicated. positive distortions towards finding the perfect match. Taken together, the previous four studies indicate that young adult men are the most active online dating users tending to date intra-racially.
However, three of these studies i. Gunter ; Houran and Lange ; Valkenburg and Peter were carried out before the launch of smartphone dating apps, the appearance of which could have resulted in different findings.
Regarding psychological characteristics of users, Kim et al. Furthermore, they found that users high in social skills i. sociabilitytogether with high self-esteem, and high relationship involvement were more likely to use online dating services in comparison to those with high sociability and high relationship involvement but with low self-esteem. On the contrary, individuals with low self-esteem and low relationship involvement together with high sociability were found to be more active users compared to less sociable participants, and those whose self-esteem was high but who scored low on relationship involvement, or vice versa.
To clarify, the effect was only found in the interaction between self-esteem and relationship involvement among those high in sociability. Seemingly, being sociable appears as an important predictor of higher online dating use.
In contrast to these results, a small survey by Stinson and Jeske of participants found that peer pressure influenced the decision to use online dating services instead of personality factors e. sociability, introversion. The authors claimed that it may be due to the spreading popularity of online dating that personality features were not as predictive in regard to usage tendency. In a study of respondents, Menkin et al. Conversely, if users were concerned about their own personal information, health and privacy, then their desire for uncertainty decreased.
Therefore, it may be argued that those young online dating research studies who are looking for casual sex encounters put themselves at higher risk than those who online dating research studies not looking for sex.
This hypothesis is discussed in a later section. In more general terms, online daters search for companionship, comfort after a life crisis, control over the presentation of oneself to others, to refrain from commitment and societal boundaries, online dating research studies, new experiences, and romantic fantasies Lawson and Leck In relation to control over self-presentation, it has been claimed that individuals with high rejection—sensitivity tend to feel more comfortable to express themselves in the online medium, and those who feel more comfortable expressing themselves online are found to score higher on online dating use Hance et al.
One of the reasons for high rejection—sensitive individuals to engage more in the online dating arena may be related to feeling less constrained to show themselves i.
Nonetheless, it appears that common features in online dating like the absence of time limits i, online dating research studies. asynchronous communication and selective self-presentation facilitate deceptive representations of oneself Hall et al. In a study of secondary survey data from US participants, Paul found that couples who met online had higher split up rates in comparison to partners who met offline.
Arguably, typical features of online dating services and apps such as asynchronous communication and selective self-presentation may negatively affect the quality of a long-term relationship between two online daters.
Consequently, further studies are needed in the form of longitudinal designs that would help establish the causes that affect the quality of relationships initiated via online dating services. Overall, the results of this subsection show that the use of online dating platforms is widespread and has grown rapidly in the past few years. In terms of use, younger adult men appear to be the most prevalent users of online dating services.
In terms of motivations to use online dating, men favour sex appeal more compared to women. Regarding psychological characteristics, it appears that high sociability and high rejection—sensitivity are associated with higher use of online dating services. The studies reviewed suggest that there are some features in online dating services i. sites and apps that could enhance the chances of deception and decrease the quality of long-term relationships. Nonetheless, there are some methodological weaknesses e.
the use of non-validated psychometric instruments, and non-representative samples that should be amended in future research so online dating research studies the internal and external validity of these findings are increased.
As to the design, the research should consider longitudinal approaches to help establish the direction of causality i. is relationship quality affected by online dating or are there underlying factors that directly affect relationship quality. Considering the association that exists between specific personality correlates and patterns of use, a total of seven studies Blackhart et al. All the studies assessed used quantitative and cross-sectional methods.
Blackhart et al. This association was also reported in a study of US heterosexual participants Findings suggested that those high in sensation-seeking used online dating apps to look for casual partners and romantic dates Chan The authors also found associations between trust towards people, sensation-seeking, and higher use of smartphones with increased dating app use, and a direct relationship between smartphone use and dating app use.
Arguably, there may be an association between excessive smartphone use and dating app use. They reported a positive correlation between sexual permissiveness and dating app use for casual sex dates.
Online dating is the most popular way couples meet | Stanford News

atic use of online dating, resulting in 43 studies. Findings suggest that personality correlates such as neuroticism, sociability, sensation-seeking, and sexual permissiveness are related to greater use of online dating services. Sex-search and self-esteem enhance-ment are predictors of problematic use of online dating. Previous research coincides withCited by: 1 Although such a large number of people are dating online, our study has found that if you decide to take part, you are most likely to be in the company of users that meet the following criteria. People that date online are most likely to be: years old on average; Working full-time (63%) · Monica Anderson, associate director of internet and technology research, speaks about our latest report on the world of online dating. The Virtues and Downsides of Online Dating A majority of online daters say their overall experience was positive, but many users – particularly younger women – report being harassed or sent explicit messages on these platforms
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